I highly doubt I'm going to go into labor and deliver a baby within the next 6 hours so let's go ahead and say I made it to 28 weeks.
Maybe it's all in my head but I don't feel very good today. I've kind of felt all day that I need to #2 but I don't. And I kind of feel nauseated and a little crampy. But I'm not in pain. I just don't feel good. Also more signs of my mucus plug... making me want to question if it's really my mucus plug. But it doesn't smell funny :-\
I had one contraction during my NST today. Don't know if it was a Braxton Hicks contraction or not... but I mean it's the only one that I've had in about a week where I knew it was a contraction, and the baby had a large deceleration afterwards. The doctor told me to let the nurses know when I start having contractions so they can take me downstairs immediately. I think because I'm breech they don't want me in labor for long, they want to hurry up and perform the c section. I'm trying so hard to recollect how I felt a few days before I went into labor with Triston. My parents said a few days earlier I was kind of moaning in my sleep. How would I know if I'm moaning in my sleep now? I know the day I went to the hospital with Triston I had been having irregular contractions all day and they gradually got worse as the evening went on, but I can't remember if the days prior I felt nauseated or particularly sleepy. It's like today I just feel sleepy, irritable, the baby isn't moving around as much.
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