I don't think I'm going to have the baby this week. Maybe the next week or the week after that. I have a feeling I'll deliver between 31-32 weeks. I really don't think I'll make it a full 34.
The private room is treating me great. I can walk around freely, do my hair, stay up late, sleep all day, pretty much do whatever I want. My parents FINALLY came up here today and I got to see Triston. He was incredibly rowdy, but there was no issue with it because I'm not sharing a room with anyone so he could reek all the havoc he wanted to. He's saying SO much now! It seems as though he is learning a lot of vocabulary at my parents house. I know they are tired, but they are managing and I totally appreciate it. I receive this thing called Birchbox which is high end designer samples and my mom brought it up to me today. It had a facial cleanser, nail polish, hand creme, hair finisher, and a snack in it. Basically you receive a box with 5 samples in it every month for only $10. It's definitely worth the price and it's a nice little treat to receive. My mom also brought me a coloring book and a new pair of pajama pants. I bought my parents coffee, which is like the least I can do while they are coming to visit me. Also, I received my rent reduction today. I live in a section 8 apartment. Section 8 is basically a voucher program through the government that helps pay your rent. Previously I was paying $146 a month in rent, now I only have to pay $25 until my income increases again. Soooooo nice. So overall it has been a wonderful day.
I had my glucose test today and I passed it. This is wonderful news. The hospital has an extended menu and let me tell you the food on it is actually GOOD. If I would have failed the glucose test i would have had to stick with the regular hospital menu and I can not picture ordering off of that for 6 more weeks (yuck). I also had an ultrasound today. They were actually able to get a profile shot of the baby's face. Everything is normal. No cleft lip or facial abnormalities, which is one of the things I was worried about. Despite all the ultrasounds I've had they've never been able to get a clear shot of the baby's face because he is so squished in there. They say he probably weighs about 2lbs 5oz's right now which I think is definitely a great size. I know if I delivered right now he'd still be super tiny, but mostly once a baby weigh's over 1 1/2lbs they have a great chance of survival. He's still breach and apparently his little booty is pressed right up against my cervix. My fluid is still really low but I know it accumulates during the day because I was leaking soooooo much this morning. I also lost a little more of my mucus plug today. I thought the whole thing was gone but apparently not. Losing it means my cervix is thinning out and opening up so that's why I think at the longest it'll be about four more weeks until I deliver.
So I don't think we are going to go with the name Champion anymore. Yeah, so I may have to change the title of this blog soon. Once again, Mr Thoughtful (Ted), is the one who came up with a very legitimate reason as to why we can't name our son that. He said when Triston gets to be older (like 5-10) he may get jealous and resentful of the baby's name and wonder why he just has a "normal" name. To me I just figured I would explain to him that while Ted is his father, he has a different "daddy" and he's named after his daddy. But Ted's reasoning makes a lot of sense. Now he likes the name "Carmelo" (yes like the basketball player). Carmelo is ok. I really loved the name Champion considering what our son has been through, but the reasoning is very logical and considerate.
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